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发布时间:2021-06-02 15:45:54 阅读: 来源:香水座厂家

­  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!

­  A brief history of BL

­  耽美简史:腐女怎么来的?

­  Ode to Joy 2, a hit TV drama that sparks hot discussions in China, came to the last episode. Andy is one of the female protagonists, and her "gender neutral style" could be interpreted as the new label of tanbi culture.

­  在中国引起广泛讨论的热播剧《欢乐颂2》终于迎来了大结局。其中女主角之一的安迪的“中性风格”可以理解为耽美文化的新标签。

­  Tanbi, also known as Boy’s Love (BL), refers to the imagination of a romantic relationship among boys, in which those boys’ interactions have been deciphered as "bromance." Since the late 1990s, BL, as a genre of niche youth subculture, has been introduced into China though Japanese manga. Soon TV dramas adapted from Japanese and Korean manga promoted tanbi culture to more Chinese audiences with productions such as The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Sungkyunkwan Scandal.

­  耽美(或称BL)指的是对男生之间浪漫关系的想象,男生之间的互动被认为是“男男恋情”。从上世纪90年代开始,BL作为亚青年文化的一个流派,经由日本漫画传入中国。很快,改编自日韩漫画的电视剧在更大的观众群体中宣传耽美文化,作品诸如《咖啡王子1号店》和《成均馆绯闻》等等。

­  All these dramas repeat the stereotype of a girl who disguised herself as a man, enrolled in an all-boy school or a shop and developed romance with her male mate. Sound familiar? The stories seem to be the Korean version of Butterfly Lovers, a tragic Chinese love story that could be traced back to Jin Dynasty (265-420).

­  所有这些电视剧都重复一个戏码——主角女扮男装,混入一个全是男生的学校或者商店,然后和男伴发展出浪漫的关系。听起来很熟悉是吗?听起来就好像是韩剧版《梁祝》。

­  However, unlike Liang Shanbo, both male protagonists of The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Sungkyunkwan Scandal, tortured by the inner struggle between their desires and traditional moral disciplines, have finally accepted the fact that they fell in love with a "man." School 2013 obviously pushed BL imagination one step further by intentionally constructing a special friendship between two high school boys. Moreover, their bromance has also spread to real life, echoing a tendency for fans to form slash couples among other stars.

­  但是和梁山伯不同的是,《咖啡王子1号店》和《成均馆绯闻》两部剧中男主角的内心都在欲望和传统道德准则之间挣扎,最终接受了他们爱上一个“男人”的事实。韩剧《学校2013》很明显地进一步推动了对BL的想象,该剧故意塑造了两个高中男生之间的特殊友谊。此外,他们的男男恋情也蔓延到了现实生活中,粉丝们在明星之间配CP也成了一种趋势。

­  One example is the Sherlock Holmes series starring Benedict Cumberbatch, whose partnership with Dr. Watson has been taken as the representative of CP, that is, coupling or character pairing. It is Chinese TV drama Nirvana in Fire and The Disguiser that brings the public discussion about CP to its zenith, transforming lots of female audience to light fujoshi, a group who’s not as willing to watch details of the sexual descriptions as hardcore fans, but prefers to imagine the intimacy of two straight males as pure love.

­  其中一个例子就是卷福出演的夏洛克·福尔摩斯系列,他和搭档华生就被认为是一对代表性的CP。中国电视剧《琅琊榜》和《伪装者》使得公众对CP的讨论达到了顶点,使得许多女性观众成为了轻腐女——她们不愿像其他重口味腐女那样看性描写细节,但是却喜欢幻想两个直男之间的纯爱亲密关系。

­  No matter if the tanbi culture recounts stories on boys or girls, it is just a virtual world for fujoshi, encoding their desires for happiness into fictional romance.

­  不管耽美文化描述的是男孩还是女孩的故事,这都只是腐女子们的一个虚拟世界,表达了她们对虚构浪漫中的幸福的向往。

­  【2分钟8道题 为你推荐最合适的院校和专业!】






